
WSOP 2024 Poker Interuptus

The reason it took so long for me to post my yearly WSOP post for 2024 is because basically it didn’t happen. After only playing a few days, I came down with COVID and had to rest in my hotel room for the duration of my vacation.

So here are all the pictures from WSOP 2024. Chips… COVID test results positive. WTF!

This is why I didn’t post about WSOP 2024. Then I realized I never posted anything for WSOP 2023. Unfortunately, not much happened in 2023 either but here’s some proof I was actually there nevertheless.

Just in case you forgot, I always take JSX to Vegas and they have SpaceX Starlink on all their flights. As you can see below, the Wi-Fi name even includes the word “Free” and take a look at the speed you get. The ping is amazingly quick considering it’s going up into space. There was plenty of bandwidth for me to stream through my flight.

As always, I went to Nobu when they first open to avoid the crowd. If you hate the crowds in LA Nobu, this is a good way to avoid it.

Last but not least, there was a kiosk that had a Dell Support screen displayed. I never found out what the kiosk was for but it did have a credit card reader so I assume it was selling something.

Well, I certainly hope 2025 turns out to be more memorable than 2023 and 2024. I think I’ll wear a mask though.

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