
“Gangnam Style” Becomes All Time Most Watched Youtube Video

As many had predicted, Psy’s “Gangnam Style” music video has become Youtube’s all time most watched video, passing Justin Bieber’s “Baby.” Bieber’s video has been on Youtube for 2 years and 9 months, compared to Psy’s video for only 4 months. At this rate, “Gangnam Style” will probably hit the remarkable mark of one billion views in the next 2 or 3 months.

When looking at the stats closer, Psy’s top demographic shows the following:

Female, 13-17 years
Male, 13-17 years
Male, 18-24 years

While Bieber’s top demographic shows a similar, but glaringly different stat:

Female, 13-17 years
Male, 13-17 years
Male, 35-44 years

Notice that everything is the same until the 3rd line. Males 35-44 for Bieber!? Really? What happened to the 18-24 males? Very strange. Are older pedo males really watching Bieber’s video or is this some other strange phenomenon? We may never know the truth.

What is clear is getting this many views on Youtube is not something that is easily accomplished and Psy may never see such success again. Same with Bieber and all the others on the list. Viral marketing is very hard to control. Yes, just like a virus, it can spread or die without rhyme or reason.

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