Internet & Computers

Know What Mail Is Coming Soon Via USPS Informed Delivery Service

Most people know that you can track your packages on the USPS website. But did you know that you can see what regular mail is coming to your address soon? All you have to do is sign-up on the USPS website here:

Just follow the instructions to sign up and also create a USPS account if you don’t already have one. Once you sign-up, you will get an email notification when you are about to get snail mail. As you can see below (click to enlarge), you can select the day of interest and see a picture of your mail.

If you click on “Settings,” you can also setup text messaging and email for packages. It’s a really good idea to set this up for your address because hackers could “hijack” your address and be alerted when you are getting a credit card in the mail. But with this setup for yourself, if you don’t get that important mail or package, you know somebody stole it from your mailbox.

This is something that everyone should do. It’s free and super useful. Yes, go do it right now.

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