
Pivothead Video Recording Eyewear

As more people use their smartphones to video everything that’s going on, the next level of POV (point of view) video recording is almost here from Pivothead. According to their website, they will start shipping their HD recording eyewear in April 2012 for about $350 each. The user can have both hands free while recording video, and could be used by extreme sports athletes, law enforcement, and of course for making pron. Checkout their demo video below:

The 1080p @ 30fps mode seems to be high enough in resolution but some of the video looks a little washed out. Although the unit comes with anti-shake technology, the lens seems to be not wide-angle enough to keep from having the Blair Witch effect. It’s hard to evaluate from just the demo video since it’s probably being recorded using a prototype unit. Reading some Internet buzz seems to indicate the battery will last about 1 hour. Settings can be changed via an USB connection and software on your laptop.

Whatever the quality, this will just make it that much easier to record video at concerts and other venues that frown on recordings.

Read my review of the Pivothead.

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