As you can see below, my local Best Buy store in Los Angeles now has a micro Samsung store inside. Basically, it’s a rip-off, I mean, a copy of what Apple already has in most Best Buy stores. Apparently, Samsung figured out that Apple knows what they are doing and it’s working for them, so why not duplicate their success.
The Samsung rep told me that the “store” just opened so the inventory being shown are all Best Buy inventory that already existed in the store. However, every Tuesday, there will be new shipment of Samsung products that will be delivered specifically for them. They will have smartphones, tablets and laptop computers in these micro-stores.
Unfortunately, he didn’t know when they will have more accessories for the Samsung Galaxy S4 available and told me to check back on Tuesday. We’ll have to wait and see if they really get cool new stuff or it’s just more of the same items they already have.