Raynox 0.66x Wide Angle Conversion Lens – Review

Not satisfied with the lens that comes with the JVC Everio, I decided to get a wide angle conversion lens from Raynox (model HD 6600Pro-43), a Japanese lens company. If you’re wondering why you’d need a wider lens, it can be great for buildings, long exterior shots, and of course, home made pr0n. The last use is what I’m going to use it for mostly.
The Raynox website listed the US distributor as Digital Distributors. The U.S. distributor had it in stock for $141.75 and after ordering it online, they sent it out the next day via UPS.
This wide angle lens screws onto the Everio without any adaptors so it’s a good match. The mounting thread is 43mm and the front filter size is 72mm.
The first picture below is with the Everio set to the widest setting without the Raynox lens. Click on the pictures to see the full resolution version.

This next picture below is the Everio with the Raynox wide angle lens. Again, click on the image to see the full resolution version. You’ll notice some blur and distortion on the left side of the image. This is a common problem with wide angle adapters, and I’ve seen it even on semi-professional pr0n and even cable TV content. The blurring is not so much that it’s annoying but you can notice it. If you zoom in, the middle area is sharp.

The picture below is the Everio with the Raynox lens and the Digi-Slave L-Ring light attached on the Raynox. This is the way it would be used if I was indoors needing a light. Of course, in real use, I would zoom in to remove the ring in the picture.

This last picture is the same setup as the one above except that I’ve zoomed in to eliminate the appearance of the L-Ring in the picture. As you can see, the end result is about the same as the setup without any extra lens.

So far, I’ve used this lens about 4 times with good results. The blurring is there, but not so noticeable that it ruins the image. If you were shooting something for commercial use, it may or may not be acceptable quality. For the price, it’s more than acceptable for home use.
One problem with the lens is that it blocks the built in LED light on the JVC. In fact, if you have the setting on the JVC for automatic lighting, and the LED comes on, it will cause a strange half light on the right side. So be sure to have the setting on the “off” setting before starting.
All in all, I can recommend this lens for light semi-pro use, home pr0n use, and any amateur use.