
Samsung Galaxy S III Pre Order Available

The next version of the Samsung Galaxy S is the model III, and it is available now on pre-sale on AT&T, Verizon and Sprint. On Sprint, the 32GB version will cost you $250 (w/ 2 year agreement), or $200 for 16GB and comes in white or blue, but strangely not black. Sprint will mail you the phone so you will get it on June 21.

The Galaxy S III has 4G LTE, which is available on AT&T and Verizon and only some cities for Sprint (but not LA). Oh Sprint. Always chasing the competition.

In any event, unfortunately, Swype does not come pre-installed on this device so I’m probably not going to be getting it. A Sprint rep told me I can download Swype from but upon checking, the documentation seems to indicate that it may not work properly.

Since I got the Swype information from the Sprint chat support, I wanted to double check to see if that information was correct via their email support. The first reply did not even answer my question at all. They just sent me a link to their website. So I asked the question again and this is what I got back from them:

Thank you for your reply regarding Samsung Galaxy S III.
As per now we are not able to find the details you requested. Once the phone launches, please reply to us and we will be glad to assist you.

Amazing customer service there Sprint. Very nice.

Update August 2012:
Since the actual release of this phone, I’ve visited Sprint to see it in person. The Galaxy S III does indeed have Swype pre-installed out of the box. Unfortunately, the Sprint sales person recommended that I do not upgrade to this phone because it does not have the old 4G only the new 4G LTE which is not available in Los Angeles yet,.

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