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Vine App on iPhone

Vine is all the rage right now for social media buffs. This iOS only app allows users to make 6 second videos, which can easily be stop motion or time lapse simply by holding down the “record” button. Basically, it’s a video version of Instagram.

It seems to crash a lot but it’s still a new app so that’s to be expected. Vine is apparently having a lot of problems keeping users from uploading porn to their site. No big surprise there either.


They’ve tried to kill the pr0n by removing hashtags like #porn and #nsfw, but it’s going to be basically impossible to stop users from making up new hashtags. Who are these ADD afflicted people that want to watch 6 second porn clips anyway? Such is social media at it’s best and worst.

If Vine wasn’t supported by Twitter, I’m sure Apple would have pulled the plug on this app already. Instead, we’ll just have to see how they deal with the inevitable. It will be interesting to watch. Yes, pun intended.

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