PSN Welcome Back?

After weeks of Playstation Network being down because of hackers stealing private information, Sony has turned the network back on and is offering free PS3 games as a way to say “sorry dudes.”
Unfortunately for me, I already have inFAMOUS and LittleBigPlanet, and the other games don’t seem that interesting to me. In fact, I didn’t really even like LBP. And inFAMOUS was great but inFAMOUS 2 is coming out so it’s basically a dead version.
I decided to pick WipEout and Dead Nation. Both were very forgettable and I can see why they are free. I would never pay for either. WipEout is a futuristic racing game on rails (read boring), and Dead Nation is a birds-eye-view zombie shoot-em-up game that was a little more interesting but not even as fun as Angry Birds on my phone.
Yeah. I’m not feeling the love here. Hey, Sony. How about 2 free movie rentals and let us choose the movie we want to see. That would give me a little more warm and fuzzy.